About us

Started 2022
Fully designed tested and manufactured in Egypt. OKA started in 2022 with the main investment in science to make the smoking experience significantly more economical , safer , and a little bit more enjoyable.It may seem insignificant to invest in hookahs, but if we succeeded to make each breath of our hookah a little safer, and costing less. at the end we will save the Egyptians a lot of risks and money.thank you for supporting our research team by shopping with us , currently we are just two Masters holding mechanical and chemical engineers, with your support we will expand to eliminate the hookahs smoking risks

Engineered to Perfection
Because we value your brief smoking experiences OKA invested months into engineering this experience to mimic the top world hookahs' Performance (ex; Wookah , Anima , Kaloud)

Carbon and Sulfur Oxides Reduction
We work at OKA to target the sulfur oxides and carbon monoxides for safer experience.

Thermally Optimized
Thermally designed to provide you with the coolest smoking experience , with minimum amount of water to reduce weight and increase portability.

OKA STEM is made out of water-resistant paper to keep the flavor fresh and be heat resistant.

Continuous Purging Orifice
No Need to Purge while smoking (Blowing into the hookah) just enjoys your smoking while the continuous purging orifice keeps the taste fresh for you and the heat regulated.